Monday, August 8, 2011

How I felt after my presentation

I felt fairly confident during my presentation. I had practiced my speech several times during the days prior to class. As the time came closer for me to speak, I got slightly nervous. During my speech, I got tripped up once, but I tried to correct myself and keep going as best I could. After the presentation, I was relieved to be done and felt like a large amount of weight was lifted off my shoulders. It's not that I mind speaking in front of people, but I worry people won't be interested in what I have to talk about. Overall, I think it went pretty well.

Blog about anythingggg

So, right now I am in the middle of choosing between two internships. In the past two weeks I went from stressing out about not knowing what I was going to do for a job during the school year, to not knowing which job to pick. I interviewed with Basic in Portage a week ago for another marketing internship. Three days later they called and told me they really liked me and that they wanted me to come in to meet the VP of sales and marketing. They offered me the job and I told them I would get back to them this week. The same day they called me to meet the VP, my boss at Treystar asked me to continue on with them through the school year. I am very comfortable where I am at and make good wages, but my new role would be more of an administrative assistant, where as if I took the new internship at Basic, I would be learning more about the marketing field. As a college student, I have a very small income and sometimes an unrealistic budget. Making sure I have enough money to get through the year is a huge issue, but broadening my knowledge of the marketing field is crucial as well. So does pay and comfortability trump a new marketing experience or vice versa?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Event Planning Process

For tomorrow's presentation, I am going to explain the process behind event planning. I have always been intrigued by big parties, weddings, and large business functions. It was just recently that I began to realize all the work and planning that truly goes into the event. During my internship at Treystar, I got to help with planning several large events. While putting these events together, I realized that I had a true passion for it and wanted to gain more knowledge about the process, which is why I chose this as my topic.

What sets me apart from other job applicants in marketing?

I believe experience sets me apart from others in the sales and marketing field. I started working in sales at age 16 as a sales associate at Maurices. In this clothing store I learned to read customers to find out what they wanted. My sales climbed steadily until I had the highest in the store. I am currently a marketing intern, where I get to work first hand on advertisements and promotions and learn how we market our commercial spaces to potential clients.

Friday, July 22, 2011

How do I feel about teams?

I have mixed feelings when it comes to teams. I love that fact that multiple ideas and perspectives come into play when you are put into teams. I also love the fact that you can divide up the work load and get things accomplished twice as fast. However, my past experiences with teams have led me to believe that working on an individual level is much less complicated and ultimately ends up with better results. My last team experience ended up with me being stuck with everyones portion of the project the night before it was due. Our team was all going to get the same grade no matter who put forth effort and who did not. Thankfully, I was able to get our entire team an "A", but needless to say I will be very skeptical with this team report that we are going to be doing.

a determining factor for successful communication

I believe a determining factor for successful communication involves crisp, clear wording. Words can have multiple meanings, and unless your careful, people can interpret your thoughts in a multitude of ways. If you are too wordy, such as the example for Frank Holtom's company, people will not be able to decipher the real message. If you are to short, people might not fully understand. To have successful communication you have to say exactly what you mean and not beat around the bush. As we have discussed in class, you can't simply imply something, you must spell it out for people or there will be a chance for misinterpretation.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

important factors for successful communication

When it comes to successful communication, effective wording is key. Words can have multiple meanings. Some things come across differently to others than what you really meant. You have to be short and to the point because, face it, time is money in our world and no one wants to waste there time reading page after page of useless information that could be shortened to a few paragraphs. Be short and to the point, yet effective...this is what I believe is necessary for successful communication.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bad piece of Writing

Before discussing bad communications pieces in BUS 3700, I was not well aware of what qualifications determined good and bad pieces of writing. I have become much more conscious of the "I" attitude that comes across when I am reading and writing any business pieces. Recently I saw and ad in the paper for a new business opening. It began "We are pleased to announce the grand opening of...". It continued on saying "We welcome your business", and concluded with "We look forward to meeting you". The whole time I read the small article I wasn't really reading the context, but was actually counting the amount of times I read the word "we".

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thoughts about writing

All through high school I slipped by writing mediocre papers for easy classes. I never understood the value of good writing skills. I never realized how words could come to life on paper. That is until I took several advanced writing classes during my first two years of college. My professors emphasized how today's younger generation are taking the english language for granted with all of our "abbrevies" (lol, nbd, hbu). Technology today has made it so easy for us to slide by without ever learning the proper way to write a paper. I was a teaching assistant two years ago for a lower level english class at KVCC. I was amazed at how many students were not able to format a paper properly, let alone use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. During that semester I realized how important proper writing skills are and began to look at my own compositions more critically. I will never be one of those people who could sit and write for hours or speak in metaphorical terms, but I am working on building my vocabulary and have become more conscious of bad writing habits that I have. I do like writing and think that you can get a lot further in your career if you have stronger writing skills than others.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I hope/expect to gain from BUS 3700

I expect to gain stronger writing skills and a greater comprehension of business materials (memos, resumes, etc.). Through oral presentations, I hope to diminish my fears of public speaking. I also hope to learn the many aspects of business communications. I am expecting this class to help prepare me for the business world.